Agency Assessment - Month 4- Off Site Team Meeting - Issue Tracker

In this article we review sharing the issue tracker with your team.



Who should share the issue tracker at the meeting?

It should be the agency’s executive team. This is the initial review of the known issues the agency has on its radar screen. Every issue brought to the agency’s attention will be added to the issue tracker. The executive team will review each issue with the group and the status. 

What should we prepare for this section?

APP will create an issue tracker for you to share. You should prepare a process for how team members will report issues going forward and when the issue tracker will be reviewed. 

When does this take place in the meeting?

After the Fun section of the meeting. 

Why is sharing the issue tracker critical?

In many agencies, issues are swept under the rug and it can cause team frustration. We want a method for confronting issues and denoting them clearly to be worked on. 

How is the issue tracker displayed?

APP will create the document and have it on the screen for review. This will be a shared document so everyone can see it and receive updates on issues.