We recommend holding off on telling your team until after you complete your kick off call and we go over the tools and resources we are providing!
Tips for Telling Your Team About the Agency Assessment
What we know in advance, we can prepare for in advance.
Our main goal is to get everyone excited about and comfortable with the Agency Assessment Program. We have developed this recommended strategy to facilitate an effective and efficient launch.
- Hold a meeting with your managers to make sure they understand the process and why you are investing in a two-year program.
- Have a staff meeting, led by agency ownership, to announce the program. Make sure you encourage the staff to ask questions and provide feedback.
- Where possible, live and in-person is always better.
- If not possible, a video conference where you can share our resources can work.
- Use the APP Announcement slides to help guide the conversation.
- Be available after the meeting for anyone who may have questions.
- Proactively ask staff members for feedback.
How you speak to your team about the program will make a big impact. As agency leaders, your team will feed off of your verbal and nonverbal communication. Here are some tips:
- Always speak positively about the partnership.
- Make it clear that you want their honest feedback.
- Encourage them to speak freely to us during the process.
- Let them know their input is critical to agency growth.
- Reinforce to the team that every response is anonymous.
Tips for a Great Team Meeting
To have a successful launch of your assessment, we recommend the following setup for your team meeting:
- Meet with your team all at once, in person. Try to find a day when everyone is available.
- If you have multiple locations, we recommend:
- Either going to each location to review the program with them, or coordinating a video call where everyone can see agency management and you can see them.
What to Prepare for the Meeting
- We will be sending agency folders to each team member. Included in these folders are:
- Frequently asked questions
- What to expect
- A bio of your Performance Consultant
- Testimonials from other agencies who have completed the assessment
- Business card for your Performance Consultant
- Agenda for the time onsite
- Sample of how survey responses are presented
- We ask that you hand these out to the team members during the meeting (not before).
- APP provides your agency a custom PowerPoint presentation to help you guide the meeting
- There is space at the beginning for you to outline agency and industry challenges―we recommend you take some time to do this.
- If you need help, please let us know.
- There are three videos embedded in the PowerPoint presentation for you to play:
- Who Is APP?
- 2-Year program overview
- Custom welcome message from Kelly
- You must have internet, sound, and the ability to play the message.
- You will be emailed your PowerPoint presentation as it is custom-made for you and your agency!
- APP is intentionally not in this meeting with your team. We have identified that by being in the meeting, team members tend to hold back their honest reactions. Instead, we want to make sure people are open and honest in their response to this program.