AppX Retention Internal Graduation Prep Process

This is how we prepare for a killer client graduation

Before Graduation

Graduation Gifts

  • We will send out our survey 13 days before renewal. The client gets 1 follow up and then Kelly gets a ticket to follow up
  • 13 Days Before Graduation Nicole will get a ticket to reach out and getting shipping information from the agency. Many times we may need to ship to multiple location. 
    • Please send this email template from Hubspot: Graduation Gift Shipping Information
    • To see the team leaders they are either pinned to the top of the company in Hubspot OR
    • Go to Contacts/Lists/AppX Retention Student/ add a filter of the company name and team leader = yes
  • 8 days before graduation (not counting weekends) Nicole will get a ticket to start working on the graduation packages 
    • You can find the T Shirt Sizes In Survey Monkey under this survey just filter by the clients name: AppX Retention Insurance Account Review/Renewal Process
    • Note: Kelly is alerted the day before to try to work on getting any final survey & Nicole is alerted daily to any new surveys arrived
    • You can also get the names of the students in Survey Monkey since they are leaving them
    • You will need to confirm that we have all surveys completed you can do this by going into Hubspot/Contacts/Lists/Find AppX Retention Students/In the search bar search the clients name. You can compare the students name on the list to whom you have in Survey Monkey
    • Graduation Gifts Now Include:
    • Once shipped make sure you send the client the shipping tracking information

Graduation Shipping

  • Once you have everything pulled together we can ship the packages out to the agency
  • We ideally want everything there at least 2 business days before the graduation 
  • Once packaged up please send the shipping confirmation to the team leaders for the agency (they should be pinned to the company name in Hubspot - pinned means its the first note at the top of the company record
  • You can alert the team leaders by sending them this email template with a tracking number: AppX Retention Shipping (Hubspot/Conversations/Templates)
    • You can find team leaders by going to the company record and they should be pinned to the company OR 
    • Go to Contacts/Lists/AppX Retention Student/ add a filter of the company name and team leader = yes