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Website Chat Tips & Tricks
If you get a website chat request here are some tips for a great customer experience.
Here are the common questions you will get on the online chat:
- I'm interested in your products/services - send them Kelly's calendar link to book at time: https://app.hubspot.com/meetings/kdp/15-minute-phone-call-with-kelly-donahue-piro
- I'm having trouble purchasing on the online store - ask for their email address and send it to Nicole to assist them
- If someone is looking for something specific on our website google Agency Performance Partners and what they are looking for - send them the URL
- I want to sign up for your 3 Minute Videos - send them here https://www.agencyperformancepartners.com/3-minute-videos/
Anything you are unsure of get their information and email me and the client and I can respond to them.