What should the Agency expect when getting started making renewal review calls?

FAQ's from AppX Retention

The agency should expect to make a full 6 month commitment to this program and plan to
make it last past the 6 months. They should brace themselves for a challenging first 2 months
and then continue to motivate and encourage the team as they start to hit their account
rounding and increase peaks.
Our first objective is just to get everyone making 100% of the calls. We will connect the dots
on increases and account rounds at the second training. We can’t optimize calls that aren’t
being made, so we ask for your support in staying focused on making all of the calls during
the first phase.
The retention numbers should be rising at about the halfway mark of the program (there is a
lag time in making the calls proactively). Depending on the book we want to see a 1-2%
increase in retention. Increases in coverage typically come the easiest, so the agency can
expect to see that come first. We like to target 8 account rounds per person per month and
12 increases in coverage per month by the end of the program. This goal can be a stretch for
some agencies, but if we are all working on it together, we can get there.
The agency should also see cleanup of some messy accounts. It’s not uncommon to find a
few E&O ticking time bombs that need to be updated. Overall, the team should benefit by
working together a bit closer, feeling comfortable with new skills and hearing gratitude from
the clients.