AppX Retention Bi-Weekly Video Call Overview

We have 10 meetings together. Let's make them count!

After your AppX Retention Training Day there are 5 bi-weekly meetings designed to help coach your team to success. Here are some details on the bi-weekly calls:


  • Each call is booked for 1 hour via Zoom. Generally the calls last between 30-45 minutes. The remaining time allows your team leaders to connect with APP on any matters.
  • We recommend your team is both on video and phone. If webcams are a concern, the team can use a smart phone.

Video bi-weekly calls have a much better result!

  • It's important everyone comes prepared and ready for the call.
  • Before each call they will need to watch a video in the Agency Performance Pack. They can log in at the top, right-hand button on our website (Log into APP Pack) Any issues, please email
  • We will send reports on anyone who has not watched the video. 
  • Each Friday we will request your data to review on the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

10 Minutes

Training with your team with PPT lead by your Performance Coach

This enhances the video you have already seen 

5 Minutes

Metrics Review 

5 Minutes Incentive Plan
10 Minutes Everyone shares one success & one lesson
As Needed Review team questions and challenges 
5 Minutes One word close on how everyone is doing
Remainder Team leader time with your Performance Coach

Lesson Review - See your Manager Set Up Guide for Tips For Each Meeting

Lesson 1: Pre-Call Checklist

  • Check in with the team on how long call prep is taking
  • Pull a sample checklist from each team member so we can review inconsistencies
  • Training: Ways to speed up the pre-call checklist
  • Discussion: Edits to the pre-call checklist 

Lesson 2: Making the Call

  • Review the bad contact letter sends
  • If you record calls, pull a few calls that were not connected so we can listen on the call 
  • Review how many emails are being sent
  • Review the contact % vs. other agencies
  • Training: Steps to a great voicemail
  • Discussion: Ways we can improve contact ratios

Lesson 3: Shine 

  • Pull a call sheet for a connected call to review how people are completing the call portion
  • Review how many increases and cross-sales we are getting
  • Training: Steps for a ridiculously amazing call 
  • Discussion: Is there anything that should be added or taken off the review questions?

Lesson 4: Time Management

  • Review backlog if any
  • Has anyone raised their hand? Applaud them
  • Review total calls assigned by person to see the average per day
  • Training: Getting People on Paperless & Electronic Payment/Pay In Full
  • Discussion: For people keeping up, what's your strategy?

Lesson 5: Sample Call Review

  • If you record calls, pull a few samples for us to review
  • Training: Discussion on what you learned from the call and what you can take away

Lesson 6: Above Agency Standard Rate Increase

  • Get a list of common discounts
  • Review minimum premium to re-market
  • Do you want to re-market monoline accounts?
  • Pull 1 re-market per person for review
  • Training: Rate Scripts
  • Discussion: What hurdles do we have on rate?

Lesson 7: Re-Marketing

  • Review this week's re-markets
  • Check in on what the re-marketing turnaround time is 
  • Update the discount list
  • Training: How to Upsell During a Re-Market
  • Discussion: Best ways to secure another line when re-marketing

Lesson 8: Earning Increases

  • Review premium and standard re-markets
  • Check if the team is quoting increases on the phone
  • Pull a few increase calls for review
  • Training: Improving Auto Coverage/EPLI/Cyber
  • Discussion: Common objections on the premium increases

Lesson 9: Account Rounds

  • Review the open quotes — see if quotes were emailed
  • Review the unsold quotes
  • Training: Ways to ask for the business on cross-sales
  • Discussion: Common Objections

Lesson 10: Referrals

  • Have your referral program ready 
  • If possible, run a report of new business sources and see the closing ratio on referrals
  • Training: How to ask for referrals
  • Discussion: How can we get to 2 referral asks per day?